Temporal cut (Time cut)
The temporal cut is applied if you want to calculate indicators for a certain analysis time interval (User Manual: Defining a time interval set as analysis time interval set) or during the calculation of the indicators for the analysis period. In the last case, the complete days of the analysis period are treated internally the same as a time interval, which last from 12 pm to 12 am. The temporal cut is carried out on the time profile.
For the time cut, the departing line route items are decisive. Indicators are always first calculated on the trip section level and then aggregated along the line hierarchy (Aggregation along the line hierarchy). If a time interval lasts for example from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and a trip departs at 7:55 a.m., the line route item which departs at 7:55 a.m., is not included in the indicator calculation. If however, another trip departs at 8:55 a.m., this line route item is still included in the calculation.
The division of link-related indicators is thus based on the acuteness of individual links. In the case of trips exceeding a time interval limit for example, a time interval is assigned to the values of those links whose From node is traversed within the time interval. For that purpose, the passage times at each of the nodes and stop points crossed are interpolated from the run times of the time profile first and then compared with the limits of the time intervals (Interpolation of passage times (run times in minutes)). A calculation example can also be found in a different place (Measurement of the transport supply).
Image 216: Interpolation of passage times (run times in minutes)